A new future for

Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) is delighted to present a public consultation on proposals for the sensitive, sustainable retrofit refurbishment and extension of 28-32 Lexington Street

We are proposing to revitalise 28-32 Lexington Street through a thoughtful refurbishment and extension, securing its future in providing high quality, state-of-the art office space.

The proposals are designed to enhance the existing structure of the building, with a focus on sustainability, community engagement and architectural excellence, aligning with both the local and broader vision for Soho.

The project takes a highly sustainable, retrofit first approach in line with Westminster City Council policy. The enhancements will respect the property’s Edwardian Classical Revival features and its heritage as a building of merit within the Soho Conservation Area, while incorporating essential upgrades to thermal performance and accessibility.

Ahead of submitting a planning application to Westminster City Council, we want to hear your feedback and perspectives to shape the development of our proposals. Please read on to find out more about the history of 28-32 Lexington Street, our plans for its future and how you can take part in the public consultation.

The Site

The site and its history

28-32 Lexington Street is an unlisted building of merit within the Soho Conservation area and is within walking distance of both Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus underground stations.

The site is a 5-storey, purpose-built office building of the late 19th / early 20th century, and is characteristic of the Neo-Baroque and Classical Revival style of architecture which was popular in the Edwardian era. London developed during this period as the centre of the world’s financial networks, so the demand for office space grew. Today, 28-32 Lexington Street continues to be a valuable asset for providing office space in the local area.

RLAM acquired the building in 2006 and have actively managed the property since. RLAM view this building as a long-term West End Office asset within its portfolio.

The Site

The existing building

The existing building comprises of five-storeys and a basement and is over 18 metres high. It contains a single staircase, a lift and two step-access entrances, both along Lexington Street. The main entrance to the reception is situated on the left. The building has undergone various alterations throughout its history which add to its heritage, particularly alterations to the central gate, the addition of lamps to the railings, and torches above the entrance doors.
The existing building presents a number of challenges for operating modern office space. The infrastructure is tired and outdated, leading to inefficient energy usage, ventilation and thermal performance.
Both entrances to the building are step access only, and the main entrance to the reception does not have a clear ‘presence’. The front facade also visibly needs cleaning and renovating.
In opting for a ‘retrofit’ first approach by retaining the existing structure of the building, the proposals make for a highly sustainable refurbishment with a low carbon footprint.
Barr Gazetas were appointed by RLAM to undertake the last major refurbishment of the building from 2007 – 2008. They will now lead the next refurbishment of the building, ensuring it continues its legacy as a provider of state-of-the-art office space for Soho.
The proposals will improve its external façade, arrival experience and upgrade the building’s thermal performance to reach high standards of sustainability. In opting for a ‘retrofit’ first approach by retaining the existing structure of the building, the proposals make for a highly sustainable refurbishment with a low carbon footprint.
Our Vision

Our vision for the sensitive, sustainable restoration of 28-32 Lexington Street includes upgrading the thermal performance of the building, improving accessibility and arrival experience with a sensitive entrance extension, cleaning and renovating the front façade and to secure the buildings future as a provider of high-quality, sustainable office space in Soho.

Sustainable, retrofit first renovation with a low carbon footprint

Sensitive renovation and extension that fits the building’s heritage

Providing high-quality office space for Soho in line with the area’s priorities

State-of-the art, upgraded amenities (including bicycle storage) to meet modern workplace standards

Removing the antenna from the rooftop

Improved accessibility and arrival experience

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Facade refurbishment

We will refurbish the external facade of the building so that it is fitting for modern, grade A office space.

This will involve cleaning and renovating the front facade, and replacing the old windows with ‘like-for-like’ equivalents, upgrading the thermal performance of the building to required modern standards.

Enhanced street presence

The current arrival experience at 28-32 Lexington Street is unclear and underwhelming. Our proposals will improve this with a sensitive extension that creates a clear, visible frontage, with the main entrance to the reception repositioned at the centre. The proposed glazed doors will further create a clear, immediately visible welcoming experience.

By removing the steps and creating level access, the building will be significantly more accessible for all users.

Our proposal also aims to reduce anti-social behaviour and litter by removing the set back lightwell.

We have proposed two options for the shopfront renovations, one which removes and one which retains the existing railings wither side of the front entrance.
Indicative image

Flexible modern office space

The proposals will create new facilities in the basement, including showers and bicycle storage, bringing the building in line with London Plan Standards to encourage sustainable travel.

We will upgrade the building’s internal infrastructure and ventilation systems to meet modern, efficient standards.

Roof pavilion

The pavilion will be set back from the front and rear of the building to minimise visibility from street level.

This has potential to include two roof terraces, to the front and rear, with distinctive character and a mix of uses, with amazing views across London from the rear of the terrace.

Planting on the roof terrace will provide screening and privacy to be considerate of our neighbours, and we will operate the terrace during core hours in line with Westminster City Council guidance.
Old telecoms equipment to be removed

Removing and replacing old antenna

We will remove all the old, outdated antenna on the rooftop, that could currently be considered an eyesore, and replace it with up-to-date technology that does not obscure the rooftop pavilion view and retains key heritage elements.

Sustainability strategy

The proposals pursue a high standard of sustainability and energy efficiency for 28-32 Lexington Street, setting an excellent standard for the retrofit of buildings in the borough. 

Circular economy principles will be followed in line with GLA Circular Economy Guidance and Westminster Environment SPD by pursuing a refurbishment rather than a demolition and new build.

  • Retain and reuse of existing materials from the building will be ensured where appropriate.
  • Reduced carbon emissions will be ensured across the whole development – the proposals for renovations to the façade and window replacements will significantly improve the building’s energy performance.
  • Reduced operational energy demand will be prioritised, aiming for an EPC rating of ‘A’.
  • Heat pumps will be included in the building’s upgrades, providing a future pathway to net zero operational carbon emissions.
  • BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and above will be targeted across the development.
  • Water efficiency measures will reduce water wastage across the renovated building. The development will also target 95% reuse and recovery of water during construction.
  • New green spaces are proposed for the roof pavilion, increasing biodiversity and ‘urban greening’ in the area.
Indicative Plans

Construction management

Our construction management will endeavour to be considerate of our neighbours at all times, and we will listen to all feedback from the community to understand how this can best be achieved, alongside following Westminster City Council guidance.
The team

Creating genuine social impact

Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) is one of the UK’s leading fund management companies, working with a wide range of clients across the globe to achieve their investment goals.

RLAM’s investment in pursuing a sustainable refurbishment of 28-32 Lexington Street is testament to its commitment to the future of the building in continuing to provide much-needed office space, and aligns with its extensive commitments to tackling climate change across its investment portfolio by pursuing retrofit first.

The wider team

Have your say

We are keen to engage with you and get your thoughts.

Thank you for viewing our proposals for the sensitive refurbishment and extension of 28-32 Lexington Street.

We want to hear your feedback on our vision for the building to help shape the development of our plans.


Thank you for participating in our public consultation on our proposals for 28-32 Lexington Street

Our application has now been validated by Westminster City Council and can be viewed in full on the Westminster Planning Portal here: (Reference: 24/07244/FULL)